As the only unmarried member of the team, he would be on duty feasting on a sausage roll and hoping that there will be no bodies turning up.

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She would not do anything in particular. Christmas was not celebrated by Swedish vikings around 900 AD.

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I am writing about a protagonist who lives in Hell and is searching for the Sun.

As I was writing recently, he hears tell of the arrival of a star, and this means, firstly that the sky exists, despite official denials. It also means that hope exists.

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Rescue, on duty with the team... It looked like it was going to be another long, wet, cold day (again)... And then his wife showed up with Xmas dinner & goodies.... She always rescues the rescuer.... Everyone needs a rescue now then. And this one was the Xmas rescue..... All the best for the New Year everyone... Thx Cornerstones Team

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That rather depends When she was...

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Although, excited to open her presents, seeing her special friends would be the joy of her day..

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My protoganist twins are magicked with birds and I'll leave you guessing which ones. Irwen would be sitting on the gable end of Ravenscroft House watching and listening to the nighttime activities of humans and the various wildlife in the nearby woods. Thomas would be anticipating a swim beneath a frozen lake.

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There is no Christmas, no Santa, no presents, no humans, but there is a fair amount of good will

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He'll be wondering if they'll have as much food on the table as this year...

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He would be spending time with his parents unless the telephone rings...

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He would be sending saucy texts to his lover and wooing her with poetry.

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Going to mass in the castle chapel, then feasting for 12 days.

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Sitting outside that house again, convincing herself that this year, she’ll knock on the door

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Wondering how her life went so wrong

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The people that populate my novel would be in the midst of enjoying the Saturnalia.

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My romance novel takes place around Christmas 1940 in London so...

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Rejoicing in spending Christmas with the new love of her life and her mother who she’s been estranged from. Happy Christmas

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Mourning her dead husband and trying to feel some affinity with the child she's carrying. Mx

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He'll be hibernating

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My protagonist would be ignoring it, having a cup of tea and listening to Satie.

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She'll be going to visit her best friend and past neighbour, Annie, who she hasn't seen for a long while because Annie would never travel to London where Alison currently lives. Stepping out of the car with her husband beside her, so many painful memories will resurface. Nevertheless, she'll push them aside, and walk up to the front door carrying a large basket filled with champagne, winter flowers and handmade chocolates. She will be nervous; Annie isn't expecting her...

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He would be studying a safe guarding course so he can call the social services

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He would be thinking of how he can screw more decent people over!!!

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Rewrite a Christmas Carol with Katie Price in the starring role!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As it's also his birthday, he'll be prepping, cooking, cleaning down and serving everyone else, as usual...

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Like the rest of the Mainstream Media Fools, he'll be molesting the driver of the coach we're on as it hurtles at 70mph through a Global Pandemic. News? Bah Humbug!

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